Administrators not seeing Reported and Moderated thread count


Well-known member
My admins are no longer seeing the Reported and Moderated alerts at the top. I checked on the default theme and I dont see them there either.

Is this something you have to enable?
Have you made them Moderators?

The behaviour was recently changed due to a bug.
Only those explicitly made moderators will have access to the various mod tools.
Have you made them Moderators?

The behaviour was recently changed due to a bug.
Only those explicitly made moderators will have access to the various mod tools.

Ok, so this is a new behavior I don't quite understand. Do they need to be part of the moderator group OR a moderator of a specific forum? anyway to make them just moderators of everything?
They need to be explicitly made moderators.

Click on Users -> Moderators -> Create New Moderator.

You then have the option of doing it for the whole board (Super Moderator) or for specific forums.

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