Admin Usergroups


Active member
Just curious why the main Admin acct is set to 'Registered' for the primary usergroup, with 'Administrative' and 'Moderating' checked as secondaries? Should it not just be 'Administrative' as the primary group?
That is the default behavior. Everyone is a member of Registered so you can define common permissions for all users, and additional permissions for admins and mods.
ok thx. It is playing a little funny with a promotion I setup. It works (after an hr or so) but does not work if the user is 'active'. Clicked around, posted, etc. as the normal registered user, but when I refresh the edit user pg logged into the ACP, it shows the last activity as 30+ mins ago.

However, it updated the admin acct right away though after manual cron update (it checked the 'members' ugroup I created that is under secondary - but that was b/c I set up the promotion wrong and checked off 'valid' users as well). Followed the post @
Unless it is the chair-keyboard interface not functioning within established parameters... promotions seem kinda flaky.

The promotion I created worked on my admin acct, but not for a regular test user, However, after deleting the promotion and adding the exact same one again (and running manual cron again)... it then worked for the test user.

EDIT: I unchecked the newly enabled secondary usergroup ('members') on my test user, ran manual cron again... and now it does not check the box again. I then deleted and added the promotion a 2nd time, ran manual cron again like above... and it worked fine again.
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