I have a question regarding the template function "<xen: option ... " in the "forum_edit" admin template file. I want to extend the "Forum Options" tab. XenForo use the template function "<xen: option ..." to build an option field in this template.
How can I build an option field in a TemplateHook file? Sure, I could use normal HTML but I think there is a better solution.
Thanks in advance.
I have a question regarding the template function "<xen: option ... " in the "forum_edit" admin template file. I want to extend the "Forum Options" tab. XenForo use the template function "<xen: option ..." to build an option field in this template.
<xen:option name="allow_posting" label="{xen:phrase allow_new_messages_to_be_posted_in_this_forum}" selected="{$forum.allow_posting}">
<xen:hint>{xen:phrase if_disabled_users_not_able_post_messages_in_forum}</xen:hint>
How can I build an option field in a TemplateHook file? Sure, I could use normal HTML but I think there is a better solution.
Thanks in advance.