Admin Route not working


Well-known member
So i've created this admin route called Quiz

Route Class Code:
class KAH_Quiz_Route_PrefixAdmin_Quiz implements  XenForo_Route_Interface
    public function  match($routePath, Zend_Controller_Request_Http $request, Xenforo_Router $router)
        return $router->getRouteMatch('KAH_Quiz_ControllerAdmin_Quiz', 'Index', 'Quiz', $routePath);

The ControllerAdmin
class KAH_Quiz_ControllerAdmin_Quiz extends XenForo_ControllerAdmin_Abstract
     public function actionIndex()
         $text = 'This is going to be developed developed soon';

         $viewParams = array(
            'text' => $text
         return $this->responseView('KAH_Quiz_ViewAdmin_Quiz', 'quiz_index', $viewParams);

I've created the quiz_index template in the admin templates which has the following

But when i try to go to the Quiz link in the admin panel i get the following error
Route Quiz/ could not be found.

What did I do wrong?
return $router->getRouteMatch('KAH_Quiz_ControllerAdmin_Quiz', 'Index', 'Quiz', $routePath);
Should be:
return $router->getRouteMatch('KAH_Quiz_ControllerAdmin_Quiz', $routePath);
I have to say, actually, all of that looks mostly correct. @Nobita.Kun's suggestion is right for what you're trying to do in the first instance.

There's no link build function in your code so the setting for "Use class to build link" shouldn't affect anything.

Just spotted it...


It's the good old Xenforo typo. Should be XenForo_Router
I'm still getting route error

Route Quiz/ could not be found.

:( Why do i have to be a noob when it comes to developing an add-on for XenForo :P
Well, you're not. This is rather unusual.

It dawned on me about 10 minutes ago that the spelling mistake wouldn't even cause this problem because it's just asserting that the variable should be an object of that class. Presumably as there's no exception being thrown, PHP must not be too fussy about case sensitivity here and it is seeing XenForo_Router and Xenforo_Router as the same thing.

I will try and reproduce the error shortly.
Well, you're not. This is rather unusual.

It dawned on me about 10 minutes ago that the spelling mistake wouldn't even cause this problem because it's just asserting that the variable should be an object of that class. Presumably as there's no exception being thrown, PHP must not be too fussy about case sensitivity here and it is seeing XenForo_Router and Xenforo_Router as the same thing.

I will try and reproduce the error shortly.
Would you like my code in a zip file?
Note to myself. next time when i make folders make sure i call them the proper folder names



Thank you everyone for helping me out with this suppose to be simple problem. I feel so much better asking fellow developers for help :)

You guys rock!
Yeah I thought so too. Or similar sort of validation via the PHP helper XF has had since 1.3.

I raised a bug report as it seems inconsistent to me.
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