Well-known member
Ok so I'm listing users based on criteria (like user list)
It all is working fine but the adminpagenav at the bottom doesn't show &page=X but if I manually put it in the URL it goes to the next page without issue.
I don't think it's a routing issue but I can't find what adds it to the link :C
Here is the template I'm using:
It all is working fine but the adminpagenav at the bottom doesn't show &page=X but if I manually put it in the URL it goes to the next page without issue.
I don't think it's a routing issue but I can't find what adds it to the link :C
Here is the template I'm using:
<xen:title>Teamspeak Users</xen:title>
<a href="{xen:adminlink 'teamspeak/users/add'}" class="button">{xen:phrase teamspeak_add_user}</a>
<xen:require css="filter_list.css" />
<xen:require js="js/xenforo/filter_list.js" />
<xen:form action="{xen:adminlink teamspeak}" class="section">
<xen:if is="{$teamspeakUsers}">
<h2 class="subHeading">
Teamspeak Users
<xen:include template="filter_list_controls" />
<ol class="FilterList">
<xen:foreach loop="$teamspeakUsers" value="$teamspeakUser">
href="{xen:adminlink 'teamspeak/users/edit', $teamspeakUser}">
{xen:if {$teamspeakUser.auth_id}, 'Identities: <span class="muted">{$teamspeakUser.auth_id}</span>'}
<img src="{xen:helper avatar, $teamspeakUser, s}" alt="" class="listAvatar" />
<xen:popup title="{xen:phrase controls}" ctrlClass="toolsCtrl">
<xen:link href="{xen:adminlink 'teamspeak/users/edit', $teamspeakUser}">Edit Identities</xen:link>
<xen:link class="OverlayTrigger" href="{xen:adminlink 'teamspeak/users/delete', $teamspeakUser}">Delete Identities</xen:link>
<p class="sectionFooter">{xen:phrase showing_x_of_y_items, 'count={xen:count $teamspeakUsers}', 'total={xen:number $totalUsers}'}</p>
{xen:adminpagenav $perPage, $totalUsers, $page, 'teamspeak/users'}
<xen:else />
<div class="noResults">{xen:phrase teamspeak_no_users_to_display}</div>