Fixed Addon Cronjob is being called, even when the addon is deactivated


Well-known member
XenForo is calling addon cronjobs from all addons.It doesn't evaluate if the addon is deactivated, which icausing many bad side effects
Hmm, ATM i'm not sure if i reported this too early
It seems that there's another problem because xf is checking if = 1
public function getMinimumNextRunTime()
        $nextRunTime = $this->_getDb()->fetchOne('
            SELECT MIN(entry.next_run)
            FROM xf_cron_entry AS entry
            LEFT JOIN xf_addon AS addon ON (entry.addon_id = addon.addon_id)
            WHERE = 1
                AND (addon.addon_id IS NULL OR = 1)
        if ($nextRunTime)
            return $nextRunTime;
            return 0x7FFFFFFF; // no entries to run, return time well in future
    public function getCronEntriesToRun($currentTime = null)
        $currentTime = ($currentTime === null ? XenForo_Application::$time : $currentTime);

        return $this->fetchAllKeyed('
            SELECT entry.*
            FROM xf_cron_entry AS entry
            LEFT JOIN xf_addon AS addon ON (entry.addon_id = addon.addon_id)
            WHERE = 1
                AND entry.next_run < ?
                AND (addon.addon_id IS NULL OR = 1)
            ORDER BY entry.next_run
        ', 'entry_id', $currentTime);
Ok, i've found the problem

Another admin called the cronjobs from the acp / cronlist.

The "problem" is, that the list shows ALL available crons, even if the addon is disabled.
And when you call it, it doesn't check if the addon is active

What about showing a confirmation message before the cron is being called, if the addon or cron are deactivated?
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