XF 2.1 adding field to register form


I would like to add gender field to register form so when user register he should to choose between male or female but i didn't find a way to save this to db

Can someone help in this?
my dear @ozzy47 i already added the modification to register_form template but my problem now how can save this to database

I extended register controller with this code:

protected function getRegistrationInput(\XF\Service\User\RegisterForm $regForm)
        $input = parent::getRegistrationInput($regForm);
        $input['gender'] = $this->request->filter('gender' , 'int');

        return $input;

Also i extended registration service with this code:

public function setFromInput(array $input)
        if (isset($input['gender']))
            $this->user->gender = $input['gender'];


      return  parent::setFromInput($input);

Finally add column to user entity but when i try to register new user gender column doesn't affected.

So i'm sure i miss somthing but i don't know where.
@Bespoke Unfortunately it doesn't work and this is my Listener code:

public static function userEntityStructure(\XF\Mvc\Entity\Manager $em, \XF\Mvc\Entity\Structure &$structure)
        $structure->columns['gender'] = ['type' => Entity::INT, 'default' => 0];
I assume that you've also added your gender column to the User table either manually or through a Setup file in your add-on.
If you are sure your template modification is actually working and is providing you with a value, then I have no idea why it is not working for you.
Are you getting any errors?
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