Hey all - we're planning to transfer our board over to Xenforo in the next 6 months or so, and I'm working on creating a theme for us in advance of our move.
One thing we would like to do is highlight threads which have been posted within the last x days - ours is a creator focused board, so we'd like to make it easier for new content creators to get seen.
I'm primarily familiar with CSS so the template syntax is a little hard for me to use - but I've added a marker for hot threads easily enough with
Is there something similar I could do to check for days since first posted?
One thing we would like to do is highlight threads which have been posted within the last x days - ours is a creator focused board, so we'd like to make it easier for new content creators to get seen.
I'm primarily familiar with CSS so the template syntax is a little hard for me to use - but I've added a marker for hot threads easily enough with
<div class="structItem structItem--thread {{ $thread.reply_count >= '50' ? 'hot' : '' }} [...]
Is there something similar I could do to check for days since first posted?