XF 1.5 Add xlsx files to conversations?

As Brogan said, you enable the ability to upload attachments to conversations in user group permissions:

Screen Shot 2018-03-13 at 16.30.13.webp

The attachments page you visited is where you specify attachment details & properties that will apply to all posts and conversations.
Thanks but that was set to Allow here: forum/admin.php?user-groups/registered.2/edit

Users can currently upload attachements to conversations. They can't an xlsx file.

Can you help please?
Thanks but that was set to Allow here: forum/admin.php?user-groups/registered.2/edit

Users can currently upload attachements to conversations. They can't an xlsx file.

Can you help please?
What does it say when they try to upload xlsx files to conversations?

Can they upload xlsx files to posts?

Are you sure that you have xlsx files listed in ACP > Options > Attachments > Allowed Attachment File Extensions (a screenshot would be useful to check for any potential errors).

Do you use any other add-ons that might affect posts or conversations (whether or not they relate to attachments).
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