XF 1.5 Add sidebar to page node with php callback


Hey there, I have a page node that has this for the template html

<xen:callback class="drsprite_home" method="getHtml"></xen:callback>

I'm trying my best to get it to show a sidebar, but am coming up empty.

So far I've tried xen:sidebar and using the [bd] Widget Framework to add to the _page_node.XX, but still nothing. These also fail on the 5 or so other page nodes with almost identical callbacks.

So I'm thinking the PHP callback must be doing something here? Any thoughts?
Anyone have any idea? Does PHP callback prevent a sidebar from loading and/or how can I add a sidebar to a php callback page? (add a hook somewhere in the PHP?)
This can be closed. Coming from WordPress, I was thinking there was an all-in-one hook for the sidebar.

I've added this to my page node, and I have a sidebar now. Now to figure out which ones to populate it with

    <div class="section">
        <div class="secondaryContent statsList" id="boardStats">
            <h3>{xen:phrase online_statistics}</h3>
            <div class="pairsJustified">
                <dl class="memberCount"><dt>{xen:phrase members_online}:</dt>
                    <dd>{xen:number $onlineTotals.members}</dd></dl>
                <dl class="guestCount"><dt>{xen:phrase guests_online}:</dt>
                    <dd>{xen:number $onlineTotals.guests}</dd></dl>
                <dl class="guestCount"><dt>{xen:phrase robots_online}:</dt>
                    <dd>{xen:number $onlineTotals.robots}</dd></dl>
                <dl class="visitorCount"><dt>{xen:phrase total_visitors}:</dt>
                    <dd>{xen:number $onlineTotals.total}</dd></dl>
            <div class="footnote">{xen:phrase totals_may_include_hidden_visitors}</div>
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