Add-on Permissions


Active member
I was researching how permissions work for XenForo in hopes compile an article of sorts. I noticed there is a method within XenForo_Model_Permission for importing permissions from a custom addon xml file; however,I don't see a current mechanism to do this within the AdminCP Development tools.

Has this not been added yet? or am I missing something? From the looks of the XF install code, the default permissions are adding directly with a query and not using this built in method to import from an XML file.

I assuming this is just a matter of being the first beta release.

Adding permissions? Go to the permissions management screen (Under Users, IIRC) and add them there. Associate them with your add on.
When you create a permission you can Flag, with default value:
  • Allow
  • Deny
  • Default
What is "Default"?

And what is the proper way to check for permissions?
What is "Default"?
I want to know the answer to this as well. :p
And what is the proper way to check for permissions?
Inside your model:
public function canViewSomething(array $viewingUser = null)

	if (XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($viewingUser['permissions'], 'permissions_group', 'view'))
		return true;

	return false;
Dismounted, that worked...

class EWRporta_Model_Perms extends XenForo_Model
	public function canEdit(array $viewingUser = null)

		if (XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($viewingUser['permissions'], 'EWRporta', 'EWRporta_canedit'))
			return true;

		return false;

Then I defined a variable to store the permission:
$perms['edit'] = $this->getModelFromCache('EWRporta_Model_Perms')->canEdit();

The next question of course... is there a standardized error page to tell the user they dont have permissions?
If you are working with the visitor class, you can use the shorthand

$visitorObj->hasPermission('Group', 'Permission')

Which is just a wrapper for:

XenForo_Permission::hasPermission($this->_user['permissions'], $group, $permission);
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