Add on for age verification?


Are there any existing add-ons that allow age verification from an ID verification provider? There are several laws in place that disallow people access based on their age (no social media like Facebook below - I think 12 - in Europe, some states ban the access of adult materials, etc). I did a quick search through the resource list (not for my site as I currently don't have one) and it didn't come up with anything at all. Did I overlook something, or is there nothing currently in place?
Ideally, of course, it should be on the user creation or validation, so that no one gets illegal access to stuff at all.
(U.S. law specifically states ID verification as allowed method, so I don't think the birthday you enter will be deemed enough).
How would this work? I would not upload any form of id to a forum. Do you mean passport, drivers licence or id card? Too risky IMO.
You already have "identity verification providers" that do this kind of validation based on either ID or a picture or credit card details or ... I would be far more concerned about giving out credit card details tbh, but I understand the hesitance. Even with such service providers that would have an API to call, you need to integrate those calls into your forum, and that's where the add-on would come in.
would be far more concerned about giving out credit card details tbh,
That would be ok for me if it was a known and trusted entity such as PayPal or stripe. But even then does a credit card prove your age or does it just show that you are over 18?
You should use a 3rd party user verification service like Sumsub. I've programmed an XF integration with Sumsub for user verification in the past, you can commission it as custom work.
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