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[Add More Video Sites] BB Code Media

I think I got it....
Updated: THIS POST

Make sure to change the match urls field to what the new one is (small change) and to download and use the new file in the attachment of that post.

I think they all work, I haven't stumped it yet.

Thanks! I'll test it out a little later since I'm at work now and parts of PodOmatic are blocked :D I'll have to give it a go from home.
Thanks! I'll test it out a little later since I'm at work now and parts of PodOmatic are blocked :D I'll have to give it a go from home.
Ok now I think I have fixed the problem that happens when the player get's quoted.
Updated: THIS POST

Again, make sure to change the match urls field to what the new one is (small change again ) and to download and use the new file in the attachment of that post.

This should be 100% now.
I think I got it....
Updated: THIS POST

Make sure to change the match urls field to what the new one is (small change) and to download and use the new file in the attachment of that post.

I think they all work, I haven't stumped it yet.
Wooo! Thank you EQ! All is working 100% now!! Thank you, thank you!
CollegeHumor appears to have changed their URL.


I don't know if this will work for every single video on there, as the embed code you had was much different. :confused:

Well I didn't make them all, they came from this thread all posted from members in the community. I am just another one of the people who have been trying to build up the list of sites supported.

Have you seen this reply?
So I in this thread said:
I wonder if you can see this reply :)

Here is the updated media site definition for CollegeHumor:

Media Site ID: collegehumour_video
Site Title: CollegeHumour
Site URL: http://www.collegehumor.com/
Match URLs: #collegehumor\.com/video/(?P<id>[0-9]+)/[a-z0-9-_]+#si
Embed HTML: <iframe src="http://www.collegehumor.com/e/{$id}" width="600" height="338" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
___In advanced options___________________________
Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
Media Site ID: youclub
Site Title: YouClubVideo
Site URL: http://www.youclubvideo.com
Match URLs: #youclubvideo\.com/(audio|video)/(?P<id>[0-9]+)#si
Embed HTML:
<object width="400" height="244">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youclubvideo.com/req/swf/mediaPlayer/insite.swf"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<param name="flashvars" value="config=http://www.youclubvideo.com/embedCfg.js?mid={$id}"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youclubvideo.com/req/swf/mediaPlayer/insite.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="244" flashvars="config=http://www.youclubvideo.com/embedCfg.js?mid={$id}"></embed>

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Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
Media Site ID: youclub
Site Title: YouClubVideo
Site URL: http://www.youclubvideo.com
Match URLs: #youclubvideo\.com/(audio|video)/(?P<id>[0-9]+)#si
Embed HTML:
<object width="400" height="244">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.youclubvideo.com/req/swf/mediaPlayer/insite.swf"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>
<param name="flashvars" value="config=http://www.youclubvideo.com/embedCfg.js?mid={$id}"></param>
<embed src="http://www.youclubvideo.com/req/swf/mediaPlayer/insite.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="244" flashvars="config=http://www.youclubvideo.com/embedCfg.js?mid={$id}"></embed>

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Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
Works great! http://the8thlegion.com/threads/timbaland-thursdays.1849/

I found youclubvideo when I was looking for a song that was taken down by YouTube. Thanks so much man!
Always remember to upload the callback file for a site before trying to add it. In this case unzip the attachment and upload the contents to your forum root.

Someone said something about embedding tweets so here yah go.

Media Site ID: twitter
Site Title: Tweets
Site URL: https://twitter.com/
Match URLs: #twitter\.com/(\#\!/[a-z0-9-_]+|[a-z0-9-_]+)/status/(?P<id>[0-9]+)#si
Embed HTML:

___In advanced options___________________________
Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
Embed HTML Callback: MediaSites_Twitter :: buildEmbed

Now to adjust the starting point for the tweet, go to appearance/templates in your ACP.

Find template: EXTRA.css

add the following:
.twp-container {
    top: -120px;


For reference this is the twitter callback
class MediaSites_Twitter
    public static function buildEmbed($mediaKey, array $site)
        $json = file_get_contents('https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json?id=' . $mediaKey . '&omit_script' ,true); //getting the tweet info
        $decode = json_decode($json, true); //getting the tweet info ready to display in a readble fashion
        $finalHtml = $decode[html];        // decode the embed html part of the array
        return $finalHtml;                  // return the decoded string

I will work on making this better...please bear with me.


that has something to do with the twitter widget.js... that is what this line meant before...

will work on making this better...please bear with me.

:-) I'll post up as soon as I figure out the fix.
changing the css to
.twp-container {
    top: -70px;
should just about split the difference for now...you can try that until I figure out a better way to fix this.
Here is the playlist.com information, used as an iframe. EQnoble helped me out with the regex.

Media Site ID: plst

Site Title: Playlist.com

Site URL: http://www.playlist.com/

Match URLs: #(pl\.st/p/|playlist.com/playlist/)(?P<id>[0-9]+)#si

Embed HTML:

<div style='margin: 0px; padding 0px;'>
<iframe src="http://www.playlist.com/playlist/{$id}/standalone" width="480" height="610" frameborder="0"></iframe>


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Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
Sure it does...both of them do..but each bbcode has a set of urls that use the same embedding methods and locations. Music videos, trailers, and full episodes use different setups so it makes it easier to use multiple bbcodes. I can change that and make all three one big bbcode but...I think mtv's embed method will be getting updated at some point soon so until that is done I will keep them as individual definitions for now and save making one that uses a callback for a time where it is more logical to do so.

Here is the third MTV site definition...this one for trailers

Media Site ID: mtvmt
Site Title: MTV Trailers
Site URL: http://www.mtv.com
Match URLs: #mtv\.com/videos/movie-trailers/(?P<id>[0-9]+)#i
Embed HTML:
<embed src="http://media.mtvnservices.com/mgid:uma:video:mtv.com:{$id}/cp~vid%3D{$id}%26uri%3Dmgid%3Auma%3Avideo%3Amtv.com%3A{$id}" width="512" height="288" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="."></embed>

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Regular Expression Matching: Use 'Match URLs' as PCRE regular expressions [ Checked ]
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