XF 2.3 Add "Align center" in the bbcode when you click on an image


Hello, Do you know where I could edit the menu below to add "Align center" in the list when you click on an image in your message?

Capture d’écran 2024-07-29 044856.webp

Thank you. :)
This setting is not really to position an image in relation to the message block but rather to position it in relation to the text of the message, what is called a floating image. If you want to center the image in the message block, independently of the text, you must use the settings below.

It is not possible to add, in a easy way, this parameter to the image menu.

Not really for me, I think about a part of my members, to reduce the steps when they publish a new thread with a vertical photography.

Not all of them are very good with bbcodes. 😅
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