XF 1.4 Add a captcha to a thread to view


The short story: Is it possible, through an add-on, template mod, ect.. to require a captcha to be entered in order to view a thread under a certain node?

The long story: The Site Directory for the forum I administrate, AKA my boss, would like to know if it's possible to have a captcha added to threads under one of our forum's nodes. In his words:
Say if you went to a thread you couldn't actually view its content (the links) until you enter a captcha. This would also help prevent bots from just grabbing all of the links automatically. I don't want to restrict the it to members only as this will only hurt us. You're inevitably going to have those people who go elsewhere because they'd rather not register and that doesn't help the links from being stolen because someone stealing them has no qualm with registering to steal our stuff.
So, is this possible, or do any of you all have another possible solution to help with my bosses concern?
It's going to hurt his search engine rankings, basically the site will have no public content as far as the search engine is concerned.
He only wants to do this to the threads under one node. All the rest would still be fully public and crawl-able.
Robots have the same permissions as guests so you could revoke access for the unregistered user group.
While this would work against the robots, he still wants unregistered guests to see the threads, assuming they're human.
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