Lack of interest Actual name of Person structured data instead of URL

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Well-known member
On xf1 and xf2 the URL is used of the member profile instead of the name (in threads).

I changed the message_user_info so that the name is used (added content=)
<xen:if is="!{$isQuickReply}">
    <xen:hook name="message_user_info_text" params="{xen:array 'user={$user}', 'isQuickReply={$isQuickReply}'}">
        <h3 class="userText">
            <xen:username user="$user" content="{$user.username}" itemprop="name" rich="true" />

Not sure if that is the right way to do it (would not would not take else).

But nothing wrong with using the url in threads

And on the profile pages the actual name is used.
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