XF 2.2 Activity summary email

So you've got people to register on your forum and they've made their initial contribution, but once they've done that, how do you keep those members engaged and coming back to your forum? It's an age-old problem. A user registers, they may participate for a while if you're lucky, and then it's really a toss-up as to whether they will stay and become a semi-permanent fixture of your forum, or you never see them again.

Of all the challenges facing forum owners, this one requires the most creative approaches. There are various existing features that are geared towards keeping your members engaged. They can receive alerts, push notifications or emails when content is posted in threads or forums they watch, or you can manually email members periodically to keep them updated with the latest goings-on at your forum. These approaches aren't always effective as they either require explicit action from the user to designate the kind of content in which they are interested, or they require manual intervention from you to create some sort of newsletter.

There must be a better way, right? Well of course there is, or this would be a really short and slightly pointless post.

Activity summary


The "Activity summary" is an email, periodical receipt of which your members can opt into, which will give them an overview of what they have missed since their last visit to your forum.

A look at the configuration...

Firstly, of course you may switch the feature off entirely if you wish. Though we're not quite sure why you'd want to, as it's awesome.


We then have three values with which we can control the timing and frequency of when emails should be sent. The defaults are reasonable for most cases and are for the most part self explanatory. By default, we stop sending the activity summary email if the user has been inactive for 6 months, users fitting those criteria are probably a lost cause, but you can override the default and continue sending email to these users indefinitely by setting the value to 0 days.

Registered forum members may opt themselves in or out of receiving the email from their Privacy or Preferences pages:


Although the "Receive news and update emails" can be toggled independently of the new "Receive activity summary email", we only display the former on registration, but if checked then we will opt the user into the activity summary emails too.

Of course the user can unsubscribe at any time.

You don't know the power of the dark side

Dramatic and irrelevant quote aside, the real power of the system comes from how you can configure the contents of the activity summary email.

In fact, the activity summary isn't just a list of threads but is instead built up using content sections that you can finely configure. Out of the box, these sections are set up to fetch the latest content, but there are several additional filters to allow you to narrow down the content returned in the way you see fit.

For example, you could have a section return the most active threads based on reply count, or the most popular threads based on reaction score. This makes for a much more targeted approach than simply grabbing the latest items, and will be particularly useful for large and busy forums where it will be important to only return the best content from a sea of noise.


From here you can add additional sections, delete existing sections or change the order that sections appear.

Let's look at how you can change the behaviour of "Latest threads" to only show the latest threads from a specific forum.


What we've done now is changed the activity summary so that instead of showing the 5 most recent threads from any forum, instead it will show only 2 of the most recent threads from a specific forum.

We can see those changes reflected in the email, but you can also add additional sections, even if you have previously used that type before. So we can click "Add activity summary section" and add yet another "Latest threads" section.


This time we'll configure it to pull from the HYS forum. And then we can even add another which can pull from the "General" forum.


Initially, we will be providing an "activity summary definition" for "Latest threads" and "Latest posts", but as you would expect from XenForo, the system is built with extensibility in mind, and there is plenty of scope for third party developers to build definitions for their own add-on content, allowing forum owners to expand the reach of their activity summaries. For our part, we will be extending support for other first-party XenForo content types as soon as possible.
The email is sent once per day to the users who meet the criteria who haven't been emailed recently and then some users stop receiving the emails once they've been inactive for a certain amount of time (6 months by default).

Given that, the number of emails it sends per day shouldn't be too many unless you have a particularly huge user base.

That said, we do have a limit, which we didn't actually show in the first post:


This is the maximum number of users that will be emailed per day.

For particularly busy sites you'd need to increase this. For sites with stricter email constraints, you could decrease it.

Any users that aren't within this limit will get emailed eventually but it will be on a subsequent day.

So not exactly per hour but you should be able to tune this to achieve a similar effect.
A lot of threads are popular because they are controversial.
And so it might be worth considering some kind of pre-send curation stage where you get presented with several threads to send and can untick the ones you want to omit.

Interesting point. I can think of two threads on my board that are old and tired but refuse to die (I'm not sure a wooden stake would be enough at this point) and I wouldn't want them going out in every single mailout.
Interesting point. I can think of two threads on my board that are old and tired but refuse to die (I'm not sure a wooden stake would be enough at this point) and I wouldn't want them going out in every single mailout.
As indicated in the first post and mentioned elsewhere, you can choose to include only threads where they have been created since the user last received an email, which would automatically exclude existing threads that are "popular" plus you can adjust things like the sort order.

Also if you ordered the threads by creation date, the very oldest probably wouldn't even appear in the email.
Very cool.

It seems as if you've almost created a "trending content" newsletter. The next logical step would be to allow this to be accessible on the forum as well (i.e. having a page that shows content with the same filtering based on reaction scores, replies, etc). Is this extendable in that way?
Very cool.

It seems as if you've almost created a "trending content" newsletter. The next logical step would be to allow this to be accessible on the forum as well (i.e. having a page that shows content with the same filtering based on reaction scores, replies, etc). Is this extendable in that way?
I would not enable this option because I'd be afraid people would unsubscribe from the email thinking, oh okay it's right here on the site. Then they start to not visit as much and since they are not reminded to visit, they disappear. For me it's ALL about keeping people active with a friendly tap on the shoulder via email.
Very cool.

It seems as if you've almost created a "trending content" newsletter. The next logical step would be to allow this to be accessible on the forum as well (i.e. having a page that shows content with the same filtering based on reaction scores, replies, etc). Is this extendable in that way?
No, that wouldn't really work. It's an email sent to users who have been inactive for a while, and the content is tailored to the content that the user missed since they've been away / since their last email.

The best equivalent would be the "Search forums" feature which can aggregate content based on various criteria.
Cool feature!!! I also see all the possibilities and, as also noted before, @Bob's AMS can use this functionality to include their awesome article system.

Dumb question maybe. I see the first lines in each thread/post in the email and can conclude the content is BB riched. Will that include custom BB codes and/or embedded content? If I install an addon to view Google Sheets for example, that sheet will also be displayed in the email?
Dumb question maybe. I see the first lines in each thread/post in the email and can conclude the content is BB riched. Will that include custom BB codes and/or embedded content? If I install an addon to view Google Sheets for example, that sheet will also be displayed in the email?
The answer is: "It depends".

The person who implements such a BB code would have to figure out and decide what can be represented in an email and what can't be.

Email clients, unfortunately, have a very limited range of support for various web features so I'd suggest it's probably inadvisable to attempt to render any sort of embedded content within an email, though the BB code system does have multiple "renderers" so they can make their BB code look different depending on where it is being rendered.

For this reason we never render media embeds as anything other than a placeholder so to be honest, things like that most likely won't be displayed.
@Chris D am I right to assume that users who's emails are bouncing and the system to process bouncing emails is configured, will be off of the list to receive such emails?
Very cool.

Design, icons, colour and embeds
I'd like to see slightly more design/images and media integrated into it, even without media gallery. So if there's media in a post, it will show up in the email.

The Discourse email summary has this and it makes it much more enjoyable to scan and read than a wall of text, and inevitably I end up clicking on one of the posts with images on it.

They also embed avatar icons for users against some posts, and use iconography for stats such as likes, replies and include the forum logo at the top.

Note in this format they include:
  • A thumbnail of an image from the post.
  • The user avatar image
  • Icons with likes and reply stats
  • Avatars of 5 people who have replied

Popular Posts
I'd like to see a popular posts section too with the top x popular posts. Where it could list x posts that have received the most reactions. Again Discourse has this, and usually ends up with some great posts with images and discussion that you just really want to click on. This may just be a different widgetised presentation format to the image above, but it moves the first image from the post from being a thumnail to being full size and inline, as if you're reading the post on the site.

This is very high impact and really encourages you to click through.


For the stats at the top, it would be good to have some stats more personal to that user also there.

For example
  • x Unread notifications
  • x Unread messages (ie. conversation messages)
  • x Reactions received

These stats resonate with the user as they're personalised and want to click through to read the messages or see what content has been reacted to.

There's also a condensed summary section, which is nice, it uses some iconography and activity stats such as reactions and replies, but only shows the thread title and forum, with no excerpt.

This could be cool if you always wanted to include a few threads from specific forums without bulking the email out too much with excerpt text or images. Or show a summary of new threads from forums that the user watches.


Looking at it again, I guess part of what I'm asking for is additional options for presentation in the sections, as that looks like what might be going on in the Discourse emails. You can get compressed succinct views, or more visually expanded and varied views with more graphics and images to draw the reader in.
Is it possible to only show the post title in the summary emails, ie, not listing the full content, just a clickable post title ?
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