XF 1.5 ACP shows no active user upgrades despite having recently active user upgrades


Active member
Not sure how to go about fixing this but I know I have recent user upgrades and recently renewed active user upgrades but when I go to see who's upgraded, the ACP page says "No results found."
Any ideas?
If that isn't showing, then there aren't records for the upgrades. Are expired entries showing? Do you have transaction logs that indicate people have paid and they've been upgraded automatically?
Nothing in transaction logs or expired. I have more than a few that are active and paying monthly. Last NEW upgrade was Nov 9. Do I need to list alternative emails for my paypal account? Probably dumb question but caps shouldn't matter in the email address, correct?
I made sure that the email addresses matched for case-sensitivity (just in case, lol) and I also added my alternative email addresses. Is there a way to "refresh" this data to see if anything is restored?
If there are no transaction log entries, then likely PayPal isn't even hitting your server. You need to look at your IPN configuration within your PayPal account and confirm that they're enabled.

Unfortunately, if IPNs aren't enabled, then there certainly isn't anything that can be done retroactively. You'll need to use the manual upgrade options within the XF control panel. If IPNs are enabled, you should be able to view the IPN history, which should confirm the URL PayPal is hitting and the response it's getting.
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