XF 2.2 Account upgrade after payment


Active member
A member taken into group 2 pays by raising an account. However, while the 2nd group membership continues, he cannot use the group he bought as the 3rd group. What should we do to cancel other groups for the group he bought?
I think I understand what you mean.

For the group 2 upgrade, check the option 'is not a member of group 3'.

That will demote them from group 2 when they purchase a group 3 upgrade.
I don't really understand but if you are manually removing members from user groups then the automatic promotions and demotions are going to be affected.
1. Group Passive member
2. Group Normal
3. Group Paid

I bought a manual for the 2nd group as a demo. This member paid his fee, moved to the 3rd group.
But the 2nd group membership remains active. I remove it manually.
I mean. When he pays the fee, all group membership will be deleted and the group he paid for will remain.
If not understood, ignore it. We get along so hard. We have a lot of trouble with this.
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