XF 2.0 Account Editor Templates... What's that?


Active member
Hi there,

I went to my profile page in my forum and I have just noticed there's something called "Editor Templates" and I would like to know what that is and how can I use it?

I visited the XenForo 2.0 Documentation but didn´t see anything on this there.

That doesn't sound like something that is in the core of XenForo 2.0 (there's certainly nothing like that in profiles on this site). Maybe it's from an add-on?

Maybe you could post a screenshot of what you see on your forum?
That doesn't sound like something that is in the core of XenForo 2.0 (there's certainly nothing like that in profiles on this site). Maybe it's from an add-on?

Maybe you could post a screenshot of what you see on your forum?

After reading what you've said, I think that link may come from an add-on. Here's the screenshot anyway: (it's in Spanish)

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