XF 2.2 Accepting cookie notice sends users to login page


Well-known member
I have had users report back that accepting the cookie notice on JoyFreak sends them to the login page. One user reported it on Safari on iOS 14 and another on FireFox on an Android. I can't seem to replicate it now but I did a while back and forgot to seek help as to what is causing it. Does anyone know?
Does anyone know what could be causing this? I still have users reporting that they can’t get rid of the cookies after pressing the agree button. It just doesn’t disappear.
I have the same issue long time ago. XF's Team bring the 'adblock'/'script block' plugin on browser as the cause. But I fear that is not the proper approach to this cookie case.

Specially because the majority of the visitors prefer not to start a new profile in (any) website, every single browser have an adblocker feature enabled by default, and they want just to read the page without dealing with login/register.

Well, my solution, against the law, is to disable the cookie notice until a change that just permit the visitor to dismiss the notice without any redirect to the login page.

Or I'm completely wrong and there is a better approch to this.
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