XF 1.5 About Listeners


Well-known member
Some days before i have understood how nice it is to use a
public static function loadClass($class, array &$extend)
switch ($class)
for the Listeners, because i can work with this without installing the XML or add Listeners by hand.

Today i have debugged XF step by step to find an error and understand that without a hint XF will run through all addons till something is found.
Maybe someone have an idea what this means if we have installed 50 addons? Is only nothing or is a better idea to install all the listeners directly with an hide if the addon is finished to be published?
There is "Hint" field in event handler. This handler will be called only when XenForo_ControllerPublic_Account class is using.

Yes, shure. I just was surprised how XF runs through many addons to search for the right method to do.
I have installed xdebug on a linux-server at home to watch xf working step by step.
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