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[Aayush] Hide Hack v1 1.5.3

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Liking or Unliking first post in thread is making it dissapeared, I have disabled "HIDE-THANKS" option too. Please help.
Is there a way to change the button text colour?

Look at Template " vfchh.css "

/*.redactor_btn_group li a.redactor_btn_hide {
    background-image: url('styles/vfchh/hide.gif') !important;
    width: 41px;
    height: 24px;

 .redactor_btn_group li a.redactor_btn_hide::before {
    content: 'HIDE';
    width: 31px;
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: bold;

.redactor_toolbar li li {
    padding: 1px;
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Hi @Aayush Agrawal,
some suggestion if you have a plan to make this addon for work on xF 2.0
please make only one hidden box like this:
rather than 3 box like this:
because i use multi hidden content on one post like : member must like, reply and have minimum post to see hidden content.
or there any clue to make this happen on xF 1.5 :D
thank you
I have changed some phrase in content hidden warning. But it seems it won't change on the UI. Any idea why? :)
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Why sometimes content which should be shown (after reply / thanks) is still hidden on the thread.
Refreshing the thread several times may make it shown.

Also sometimes i had "No controller response from" error.

XenForo_Exception: No controller response from XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread::actionAddReplyHideCheck - library/XenForo/FrontController.php:486
Generated By: Unknown Account, Today at 4:12 AM
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*sight* after upgrading I got the same Problem.
the users won't sometimes see the unhidden content, if they have liked the post...

any idea what's wrong there?

Nevermind. I've found the error with the Plugin...
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Can you explain it? Maybe it can help other admins too. :)

if you look in to the Helper/Parse.php or Search/DataHAndler/Post.php file you will see, that they will use "$result['like_users']
Unfortionatelty if you go up to the default XenForo you will see a search for "getLatestContentLikeUsers" which will always return the last 5 users that clicked on the like button.
in the mentioned files it is checked if your user-id is within the users in this array - so it will only check against the 5 lates thanks.

So we have to change this.

In the Plugin i've modified library/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
added a new function
        protected function _getAllLikes($postid)
                $allLikedUsers = $this->getModelFromCache('XenForo_Model_Like')->getContentLikes('post', $postid );
                return $allLikedUsers;

so now everywhere in this file where it calls $parser->parse_hidetags(
we have to call our new method:

I'm not sure if i'm allowed to attach the php file without the consent of the author.
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