Is there a way to turn off the rocket loader check? I have it off at cloudflare and to me, this seems like wasted resources. I understand why it's here, but i also know why i'll never use it. For us advanced users, an option to skip this, even via config file entry, would be great. Perhaps this is a suggestion for a feature if it does not exist already. I looked in the code and it didn't seem obvious to me.
During ftp upload of my upgrade process, a few errors logged (rightfully so as it was mid-way up and i didn't shut the board off), but the approach to reading html like this with the postFilter() method surely must add processing time that I don't need.
During ftp upload of my upgrade process, a few errors logged (rightfully so as it was mid-way up and i didn't shut the board off), but the approach to reading html like this with the postFilter() method surely must add processing time that I don't need.
[*]Error: Call to undefined method XF\Http\Request::isRocketLoaderDisabled()
[*]Generated by: Unknown account
[*]Aug 1, 2024 at 10:32 AM
[HEADING=2]Stack trace[/HEADING]
#0 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(415): XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html->postFilter('<!DOCTYPE html>...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View))
#1 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(66): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')