A Fansite for Days Gone


Hello, everyone! I am somewhat new around these parts. I have been lurking these forums for a long time, and I don't think I have introduced myself: My name is Nelson. :)

I wanted to have an excuse to use XenForo for a very long time. I recently bought a secondhand license and just renewed it and began to work on my Days Gone fansite.

I also own multiple branding-free licenses for IPS, vB, WoltLab, and many more. I have used free software life phpBB, Vanilla, and SMF. XenForo, however, is different. I feel it smooth by design. I love the user interface as well as the administrative backend. I have been using XF for about, and I love it!


Days Gone Fan

I am working on a fansite for the PS4-exclusive Days Gone by Bend Studio. The name of the site I am working on is Days Gone Fan, and XenForo powers it.

Favorite Add-ons?
What add-ons do you use on your site? Please recommend your favorite free and premium add-ons. Also, do you have a custom theme, or do you have pre-made one?

If you are a Days Gone fan and would like to help me get the ball rolling, then please send me a message or reply to this thread. Thank you!
Although it's not open anymore, Nerdface had many add-ons running (list) and I could probably recommend the majority of them, but in particular, those made by @Xon and @BassMan.

I haven't played Days Gone, but I'm quite a big PlayStation gamer if that's of any use. I don't mind trying to be semi-active on a new forum.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to my thread, @Nerdface. I love your username and avatar, by the way!

Your add-on list is impressive! I am new to XenForo, and I have come to realize that add-ons made by @Xon and @BassMan are amazing. There is a lot of talent around these parts of the 'net! I don't mind spending my hard-earned moola for quality add-ons.

Anyway, I spend a lot of time playing Days Gone. It's loads of fun! The world of days gone feels alive and dynamic (unlike, you know, Fallout 76).

Here is a funny thing: Days Gone is one of the few games that I avoided fast traveling in because there was almost always something that happened while going from A to B. Your drifter bike is your lifeline. Running out of gas will make your heart drop both in-game and in real life!

The Days Gone story is decent and a bit predictable but throws just enough curveballs to keep you on your toes. The overall structure of the storylines from main missions to side missions has a clear layout so you can keep track of what is happening in each one. The combat feels right, especially the melee weapons. As far as firearms go, don't expect a rifle in "poor" condition to perform as well as one in "mil-spec," especially in the case of accuracy.

Days Gone also has a terrific music score and excellent sound design in general. Composer Nathan Whitehead did a fantastic job. If you aren't someone who likes to read documents or listen to audio files, then you will miss out on a lot of details that build onto the main story and the Days Gone world. These are some of the small details in Days Gone that I've seen a lot of people miss and complain about. Sometimes you see something that you have overlooked, and it surprises you. The character development was one of the things that surprised me in this game. It's not too often that a story manages to get me to move back and forth on my opinions of its characters, but Days Gone managed to do that with almost every one of them.

My biggest complaint about the game is the side missions don't feel as good as in other big AAA open-world games of recent years like The Witcher 3 and Red Dead Redemption II. I have a PS4 Pro and didn't experience any frame rate issues, and I only encountered a few bugs in my playthrough.

Overall I enjoyed my time with Days Gone. It's not a perfect game, but in my opinion, what it does right outweighs where it fails. Bend Studio has worked hard to patch out bugs, provide updates to improve the user experience, and even add new free content in the way of challenges that add some replayability to the game. I hope to see a sequel (or prequel) in the future as the world of Days Gone has excellent potential.

Days Gone is an excellent PS4-exclusive game, and it gets 4 out of 5 stars from me. I did wait a few months after its release, as I tend to do with triple-A video game releases. You know, so they work out the quirks. I played play using a PS4 Pro.

Check out some of my Days Gone virtual photography on my Twitter. I love the game's Photo Mode!

Currently, Days Gone Fan only has one user: me. I am setting things up and playing around with XenForo. I wouldn't mind having someone with XF and gaming experience join my site and help me test things and, most importantly, provide me with valuable feedback before opening the gates to the masses. As a token of appreciation for volunteering to help, a physical or digital copy of Days Gone awaits you. Let me know if you're interested!
Although it's not open anymore, Nerdface had many add-ons running (list) and I could probably recommend the majority of them, but in particular, those made by @Xon and @BassMan.

I haven't played Days Gone, but I'm quite a big PlayStation gamer if that's of any use. I don't mind trying to be semi-active on a new forum.
Omg you’re alive! How are u!?

nice forums btw. Should totally show it off in the showcase area when it’s up!
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