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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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HELP! My oh my oh my, I did a boo boo somewhere but can't figure it out. :(

I want to place a local weather module on my portal, SO, I generated one on weather.com, copied the code they produced, opened the html module, removed the links, and pasted the code in. (code below). I have a completely messed up weather module. I'm sure that I did something wrong - was I not supposed to use the html module for this??

See code -

<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
    <div class="secondaryContent">
<div align=center>
<br />
<table border="0"  width="90%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" valign="center">
<td style="border:0"><div id="wx_module_3943">
  <a href="http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USOH1075">Youngstown Weather Forecast, OH</a>

<script type="text/javascript">

  /* Locations can be edited manually by updating 'wx_locID' below.  Please also update */
  /* the location name and link in the above div (wx_module) to reflect any changes made. */
  var wx_locID = 'USOH1075';

  /* If you are editing locations manually and are adding multiple modules to one page, each */
  /* module must have a unique div id.  Please append a unique # to the div above, as well */
  /* as the one referenced just below.  If you use the builder to create individual modules  */
  /* you will not need to edit these parameters. */
  var wx_targetDiv = 'wx_module_3943';

  /* Please do not change the configuration value [wx_config] manually - your module */
  /* will no longer function if you do.  If at any time you wish to modify this */
  /* configuration please use the graphical configuration tool found at */
  /* https://registration.weather.com/ursa/wow/step2 */
  var wx_config='SZ=180x150*WX=FHW*LNK=SSNL*UNT=F*BGI=seasonal1*MAP=null|null*DN=mahoningvalleytalk.com*TIER=0*PID=1257860977*MD5=e9283af04ff63f3eb5b709c4bcc7aa79';

  document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="'+document.location.protocol+'//wow.weather.com/weather/wow/module/'+wx_locID+'?config='+wx_config+'&proto='+document.location.protocol+'&target='+wx_targetDiv+'"></scr'+'ipt>');


Here is my module with this code -

View attachment 15329

It's supposed to look like this -
View attachment 15330
Remove </div> line 9

XML file altered to show where to place your unique weather badge code

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <module_template><![CDATA[<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
        <div class="secondaryContent">

<!-- Yahoo! Weather Badge -->


<!-- Yahoo! Weather Badge -->

<center> tags are bad :P
in the xml change or template

<div align=center>
<div align="center">

Also yea you will need to give the box some css :P
This is my code now -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <module_template><![CDATA[<div class="messageText ugc baseHtml">
        <div class="secondaryContent">
            <div align="center">
        <h3>Local Weather</h3>
        <div align="center">

<!-- TWC Weather code -->
<div id="wx_module_7213">
   <a href="http://www.weather.com/weather/local/USOH1075">Youngstown Weather Forecast, OH</a>

<script type="text/javascript">

   /* Locations can be edited manually by updating 'wx_locID' below.  Please also update */
   /* the location name and link in the above div (wx_module) to reflect any changes made. */
   var wx_locID = 'USOH1075';

   /* If you are editing locations manually and are adding multiple modules to one page, each */
   /* module must have a unique div id.  Please append a unique # to the div above, as well */
   /* as the one referenced just below.  If you use the builder to create individual modules  */
   /* you will not need to edit these parameters. */
   var wx_targetDiv = 'wx_module_7213';

   /* Please do not change the configuration value [wx_config] manually - your module */
   /* will no longer function if you do.  If at any time you wish to modify this */
   /* configuration please use the graphical configuration tool found at */
   /* https://registration.weather.com/ursa/wow/step2 */
   var wx_config='SZ=180x150*WX=FHW*LNK=SSNL*UNT=F*BGI=seasonal2*MAP=null|null*DN=mahoningvalleytalk.com*TIER=0*PID=1257860977*MD5=ae5d00b369d8f95beafecfbee6d2f3f8';

   document.write('<scr'+'ipt src="'+document.location.protocol+'//wow.weather.com/weather/wow/module/'+wx_locID+'?config='+wx_config+'&proto='+document.location.protocol+'&target='+wx_targetDiv+'"></scr'+'ipt>');  

<!-- TWC Weather code -->

Never mind, I did it! I did it! hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I just went into another portal block and copied the styling from it.
I ain't so dumb after all. :p

Take a looksee ---> http://mahoningvalleytalk.com/

BTW - I got it to work by changing this line
<div class="secondaryContent">

To this -
<div class="secondaryContent" id="weather" style="padding-bottom: 10px;">
Can the customize this page be disabled? : /portal/custom/

How come this is added to the header menu its making the customize page show a bit to the right?

<li style="padding-left: 50px;"><a href="portal/custom">Customize This Page</a></li>
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