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[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

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Well are there any requests people have for the next version of this mod?

I'm almost satisfied with the current features, thanks again for the amazing work you've done. These things I'd like to see in the next release(es):

- Drag and drop module administration.
- Full size image display option and customizable dimension for recent news besides thumbnail image. For instance I just want to show the first picture of a post in some forums, not any text.
- Ability to change the name in the portal navigation.
- Set up the portal as main page (home page) redirect visitors to portal (www.site name --- redirected to www.site./portal)

And it seems the BBCode Manader addon doesn't work with the portal addon (An unexpected error occured). Expecially on threads with spoiler bbcode or custome bbcodes. I've mentioned this on that addon thread I don't know which one isn't compactible with another.
I'm almost satisfied with the current features, thanks again for the amazing work you've done. These things I'd like to see in the next release(es):

- Drag and drop module administration.
- Full size image display option and customizable dimension for recent news besides thumbnail image. For instance I just want to show the first picture of a post in some forums, not any text.
- Ability to change the name in the portal navigation.
- Set up the portal as main page (home page) redirect visitors to portal (www.site name --- redirected to www.site./portal)

And it seems the BBCode Manader addon doesn't work with the portal addon (An unexpected error occured). Expecially on threads with spoiler bbcode or custome bbcodes. I've mentioned this on that addon thread I don't know which one isn't compactible with another.
Its that mod... because the portal block are evaluated in code, instead of being sent through the View builder, there is no "view". Most BBcodes are handled through the "view". All built in BBcodes included with XenForo have a built in "view" check, so thats why the standard BBcodes work in XenPorta. KingKovifor didn't program any "view" checks into his custom BBcode scripts.
Well are there any requests people have for the next version of this mod?

A way to tie in the Wordpress bridge. I think your portal provides the ideal place to showcase a few articles in a module.

As well I would like to be able to apply a custom theme to your portal page. This way something more elaborate could be shown on the portal, but move to something simpler and quicker while navigating the forum if chosen by the forum.
Its that mod... because the portal block are evaluated in code, instead of being sent through the View builder, there is no "view". Most BBcodes are handled through the "view". All built in BBcodes included with XenForo have a built in "view" check, so thats why the standard BBcodes work in XenPorta. KingKovifor didn't program any "view" checks into his custom BBcode scripts.
I'm sorry... View checks? All custom BB Codes are added through extending XF's class... I'm lost on how they wouldn't be there if they were. Are you calling the BB Code class specifically? And what error is occuring?
Its that mod... because the portal block are evaluated in code, instead of being sent through the View builder, there is no "view". Most BBcodes are handled through the "view". All built in BBcodes included with XenForo have a built in "view" check, so thats why the standard BBcodes work in XenPorta. KingKovifor didn't program any "view" checks into his custom BBcode scripts.
Frankly, the only thing I see with a "view check" (if($this->_view)) is something that only occurs in BB Codes that are "advanced" such as PHP, HTML, and Code, all of which utilize templates. However, none of mine utilize templates, so view checks aren't needed. If this isn't the case, please explain.
However, none of mine utilize templates, so view checks aren't needed.
Hmm... well then I dont know what the problem is, it will have to be explained to me in further detail. I just figured it was the view check, since its the same issue I had with the custom BBcodes in my own mods.
Hmm... well then I dont know what the problem is, it will have to be explained to me in further detail. I just figured it was the view check, since its the same issue I had with the custom BBcodes in my own mods.
Looking at the error he posted, it was a variable I added but never set. But what was the issue with yours? Did they utilize templates?
Well are there any requests people have for the next version of this mod?

Tagging! perhaps a little module block that shows up everywhere on the site that only the admin or moderators can see. Everyone else see's a block that allows them to type in a tag, then that displays all the URL's of that site with the those particular tags. Finally have the tagcloud of yours show most searched tags. This way, you can tag anything, anywhere on the site. Regardless of what xF mod it may be.

Other stuff:

1.| Ability to show a module everywhere, or just in certain areas of xenforo.
2.| Permissions on which group can see a particular module. (like board permissions)
3.| Collapse/Expand individual modules. When viewing, a user can click the up arrow to collapse a module hiding it from view(except for title). Example: www.xboxnarc.com (a site I gave up on)
4.| Option to hide titles.
[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.2.0 CHANGELOG
  • Link construction has been normalized
  • Upcoming Events module has been added to the package for XenAtendo (Events)
  • Recent News module has been completely rewritten in order to support BBcode
  • Recent Threads module now properly shows forum links
  • Media Recent module now has built in search capabilities
  • Wiki Navigation module now has the option to disable search
  • There is now an option to override custom style settings on the portal page
  • There is now an option to clear the module cache on a module by module basis
[8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal) v1.2.0 CHANGELOG
  • Link construction has been normalized
  • Upcoming Events module has been added to the package for XenAtendo (Events)
  • Recent News module has been completely rewritten in order to support BBcode
  • Recent Threads module now properly shows forum links
  • Media Recent module now has built in search capabilities
  • Wiki Navigation module now has the option to disable search
  • There is now an option to override custom style settings on the portal page
  • There is now an option to clear the module cache on a module by module basis

I get "An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later."
When activating the Events Module (I have upgraded Atendo as well)
Hi everyone :)

Can anyone tell me if I've done something wrong or is this a bug? All my "Latest News" threads just have the word "continue" and no text showing.


Renada :)

Ahhh edited: I see Cory has the same issue.
Yes, I noticed this as well...
Be sure to try clearing the cache by using the >< option.
Didn't work for me though
Okay... as it turns out, I forgot to include the new XML files in the package... this has been fixed.

Redownload and import the new RecentNews and EventsUpcoming XML modules.
Okay... as it turns out, I forgot to include the new XML files in the package... this has been fixed.

Redownload and import the new RecentNews and EventsUpcoming XML modules.

Thank you Jaxel, both modules working perfectly now :)

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