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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Wiki) v1.0.3 CHANGELOG
The [wiki] bbcode tag will embed a wiki page (by slug) directly into a post.

Simply Awesome !
Example -
I embedded the wiki item called Strife in the following forum post.

Very Cool.
Ideally a relatively easy link back to the wiki would appear at the end of the Post ?
In this example, there are some internal links, that when clicked would get you back to the wiki, but shouldn't there be a more formal way ?
- allow comments as option when creating a new wiki item.
- wiki items appear in New Posts search (even if only a link to the wiki) - wiki items look different than regular posts in the listing as well.
- wiki item activity appears in Recent Activity.
- Ideally Wiki items would be better integrated into Xenforo search, maybe someone searching the forum for something that exists in the Title of a wiki item (on 8wayrun.com, if someome searched for Taki) then the wiki entry could appear.
Tip: one method of better search integration is for the wiki items you want to be integrated. Create the wiki item, then create a xenforo thread and use the bbcode tags to add the wiki entry to the first post !
- wiki searching gives clear results when your search hits a wiki item's TITLE.
[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki) v1.2.0 CHANGELOG
  • Link construction has been normalized.
  • Now when a user goes to a non-existant page, they will see an appropriate error.
    • If they can create pages, they will be given the option to create one.
  • Page rendering has been revamped to support BBcode better.
  • Pages can now be marked as "Protected" from editing by an admin.
  • Wiki Navigation has been completely changed. You can now select which pages to index.
[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki) v1.2.0 CHANGELOG
  • Link construction has been normalized.
  • Now when a user goes to a non-existant page, they will see an appropriate error.
    • If they can create pages, they will be given the option to create one.
  • Page rendering has been revamped to support BBcode better.
  • Pages can now be marked as "Protected" from editing by an admin.
  • Wiki Navigation has been completely changed. You can now select which pages to index.

Jaxel, I think you accidentily uploaded XenPorta to the first page.
who is going to volunteer their wiki to post some wiki documentation?
install was easy enough, but im not sure how to use templates or what kind of syntax is available to me and whatnot.
Jaxel's sweet plugins need a home :)

Ideally Xenforo.com would use the wiki so all Addons could benefit from documentation !
Note about embedding wiki entries into Posts.

When you create a Post with a wiki item in it via
It wont immediately show the page in the thread; it will instead just default to a link, as depicted below (to a page named: Amy)
The moment a cache is built for the page, it will retroactively get built/inserted into the post.
The cache for a page is automatically built the first time a post/thread/page is loaded after an edit.
DIGITAL DOCTOR--I am delighted that we seem to agree so much. And also that you have shared your serious research, undergone with much more expertise than myself... And I share your enthusiasm... However... just like to point out that SEO is like Blackjack. If you have a great SEO idea, or card counting system, best keep it to yourself. It becomes useless the moment too many people are doing it.

Regarding your request for suggestions for the perfect wiki...
a) According to some sources, WYSIWYG can be a nuisance and can slow downloading significantly as extra code builds up. (done)
b) Obvious solution for this: use BB code. Not a true WYSIWYG, but faster to code and no build-up. (done)
c) One special suggestion for WYSIWYG or BB code parsing:

--When someone types http://anysite.com or www.anysite.com
--This should NOT parse to: [u r l]http://anysite.com [/u r l]
--But instead parse to: [u r l=h t t p: //anysite.com]http://anysite.com [/u r l]
--...and with the active link text in blue as shown...
--...because... then I can instruct people who are hopeless with code to "just type the url and then click 'preview'"...
--...then... after clicking "preview" they can be taught to "edit the blue text as desired"... thus successfully creating a hyperlink text even with no idea what is a hyperlink text.

Of course, in most forums, we can also "select" the link text and click the "chain" icon... and this should remain an option in the ideal wiki... But please understand, some people just never catch on to this. Anyway, if only everyone thus can make a hyperlink, then I hope, everyone can join in editing a wiki. Just a suggestion.


Original Source

(1) Wiki structure is popular with Search Engines
  • I've been saying that XenCarta could be great SEO.
  • I think the more accurate way to describe that is: (1) wikis are naturally good by design (like Wikipedia) at bring in Search Engine Optimization (more so than forum threads)(although forum threads have their strengths).

(2) But the reason why a good wiki will drive people to your site is because Wikis can help you create:
  • good content (I'll describe methods later of why XenCarta could produce GOOD content).
  • lots of content (the entire community can help)
  • all admins should know - Content is King.
One more suggestion... In the same discussion quoted by Digital Doctor, Josh111 has brought up the question of what happens if a large community uses XenCarta, and JAXEL has a midlife crisis or is abducted by UFOs? (As has been known to happen with third-party add-ons.) Hopefully JAXEL will take on a partner if XenCarta becomes popular, but even so, such arrangements do have a tendency to break down.

I.e., if XenCarta suddenly stops working because of XF updates, and JAXEL suddenly is not available... do we perhaps automatically have permission to continue XenCarta as an open-source program...? Also... suppose open-source does not collect volunteers, can you give us a rough idea what it would cost to hire a good programmer at $100/hour to update XenCarta once a year? And would this be legally feasible?

(If this question can be resolved, I am eager to buy a total of 3 Xenforo + XenCarta suites.)

In any case, thank you JAXEL for an outstanding program. Combined with the cutting-edge efficiency of Xenforo, XenCarta seems likely to surpass any other wiki in efficiency. The clean, no-nonsense styling is also ideal, in my opinion.
One more suggestion... In the same discussion quoted by Digital Doctor, Josh111 has brought up the question of what happens if a large community uses XenCarta, and JAXEL has a midlife crisis or is abducted by UFOs? (As has been known to happen with third-party add-ons.) Hopefully JAXEL will take on a partner if XenCarta becomes popular, but even so, such arrangements do have a tendency to break down.

I.e., if XenCarta suddenly stops working because of XF updates, and JAXEL suddenly is not available... do we perhaps automatically have permission to continue XenCarta as an open-source program...? Also... suppose open-source does not collect volunteers, can you give us a rough idea what it would cost to hire a good programmer at $100/hour to update XenCarta once a year? And would this be legally feasible?

(If this question can be resolved, I am eager to buy a total of 3 Xenforo + XenCarta suites.)

In any case, thank you JAXEL for an outstanding program. Combined with the cutting-edge efficiency of Xenforo, XenCarta seems likely to surpass any other wiki in efficiency. The clean, no-nonsense styling is also ideal, in my opinion.
Thats what always confused a lot of people. XenCarta is a separate entity from XenForo, built upon XenForo's Zend Framework. Unless either XenForo or Zend RADICALLY change their structure, XenCarta simply can not break in areas that are not tied directly into XenForo. The only things tied into XenForo are the navigation tabs, the templates, the phrases and the bbcodes; all elements which have been set in stone and won't be changing (hopefully, navigation tabs changed a while back and that caused some confusion). The core functions of XenCarta simply cannot break unless XenForo itself breaks.

XenCarta is NOT an open-source program... it is a "viewable-source" program. I do not give permission to anyone to copy my code without my expressed consent. Even if I get abducted by aliens, that does not mean people can take my programs and continue onwards. They can use my ideas to create their own new programs, just as they can do now; but they can not explicitly reuse my code unless they ask me first.
I'm thinking of removing the "PHP File" feature from the Wiki.

It just seems problematic and there is no possible way I can provide support for people who use it.
I'm thinking of removing the "PHP File" feature from the Wiki.
It just seems problematic and there is no possible way I can provide support for people who use it.
How about disabling it by default, and make them agree to security warnings before enabling it ?
It seems like it would be very useful.
I'm glad you are thinking of security.
I think having it disabled by default would provide some security itself.
XenCarta is a separate entity from XenForo, built upon XenForo's Zend Framework. Unless either XenForo or Zend RADICALLY change their structure... The core functions of XenCarta simply cannot break unless XenForo itself breaks.

XenCarta is NOT an open-source program... it is a "viewable-source" program.... Even if I get abducted by aliens, that does not mean people can take my programs and continue onwards. They can use my ideas to create their own new programs, just as they can do now; but they can not explicitly reuse my code unless they ask me first.
Thank you Jaxel for the clarifications. I don't know anything about programming, but according to what you say, it sounds as if XenCarta has "technical" assurances of long-term viability, which it seems to me, some people may consider better than any "administrative" assurances.

For example, Vbulletin is a very well-established business, such that it seemed nobody would ever need to shop for another forumware. And yet, one change of management, and here we are. Whether it be a forumware or an add-on to the forumware, the worst-case scenario will always be that loyal users may at some time, for whatever reason, feel a need to change.

I am not qualified to say that any "technical" assurances are always better than any "administrative" assurances of stability. That is a matter for personal preference. I only wish to emphasize, for people like myself who are making this decision, that nothing is perfect, and that XenCarta seems to have some new and unusual advantages.

For myself, the question is not whether to use XenCarta, but how many to use? Well, I have decided to get one XenCarta going a.s.a.p., and then just let things happen naturally from there.
For myself, the question is not whether to use XenCarta, but how many to use? Well, I have decided to get one XenCarta going a.s.a.p., and then just let things happen naturally from there.
Very Good idea.
Jaxel's addons need a home :) www.jaxelisthebomb.com ?
For documentation / Support / Showcasing / Planning / Engaging Wiki-Keeners / Drumming up finances.
etc. etc.
I'm thinking a Xenforo site, with XenMedio for Video documentation, XenCarta as the wiki engine, XenPortal as the HomePage. Maybe throw in XenAtendo for Event announcements and live video feeds !
Jaxel's addons need a home :) www.jaxelisthebomb.com ?
For documentation / Support / Showcasing / Planning / Engaging Wiki-Keeners / Drumming up finances.
etc. etc.
I'm thinking a Xenforo site, with XenMedio for Video documentation, XenCarta as the wiki engine, XenPortal as the HomePage. Maybe throw in XenAtendo for Event announcements and live video feeds !
Absolutley!! We are only in BETA stages and already all Jaxels threads are cluttered and its hard to find the right information. A site with all his mods integrated and using them to manage all his amazing products I think is a must. Ive already donated a decent ammount. But id be happy to donate more to start him off on this project.
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