XF 2.1 5 gig php error log created


I logged in to my site today to find my disc space almost full due to a very large log file.
Here is what Tech support had to say.

Thank you for contacting *** Technical Support Team!
We would like to inform you that the logs directory contains Apache access and error logs for the account, with older ones zipped up in .gz format per month.
The large size of the file christianforums_net.php.error.log is caused by the following permanent PHP notification:
PHP Notice: Constant SODIUM_CRYPTO_STREAM_NONCEBYTES already defined in /home/christianforums/public_html/Fellowship/src/vendor/paragonie/sodium_compat/lib/php72compat_const.php on line 90
Presumably, in order to resolve the issue, you need to disable error recording via the admin area of your website christianforums.net/Fellowship
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