XF 1.5 2FA Code Isn't Being Sent

Jared Bowns

New member
Every other thread relating to the code not being sent just recommended disabling this feature. I actually do want my users to have this option, but the code is not being sent when trying to auth via email. I have my actual mail server all set up for confirmation emails and that is all working fine. I am wondering what could be going on or how to get this setup?
Are the emails not being received or are they being received late?

Check the server mail log to confirm mails are being sent from XF to the server and confirm the time stamp is when the request is being submitted.

Also, check whether there are any error log entries related to emails in the ACP.
The emails are not being received at all. I have been testing this trying to find a solution all morning.

My google mail server logs say that it was delivered and the time matches up - just tried another test. It's very strange..
If the server mail log suggests that they were delivered then they are likely being caught in spam filters.

Once XF sends the email to the server, it's no longer involved in the process.
So, my test email I was using actually forwards to another inbox. I didn't see anything on my final destination email, but when I logged into the "original" email - there it was in the Spam folder. So, Google doesnt forward spam for you apparently, which makes perfect sense. Thank you and I hope this info may be helpful to someone in the future.
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