Cannot reproduce [2.x] Wrong Timezones


Affected version
Xenforo 2

Rundown is: When you're not logged in to the server (Guest-time), it'll show in EDT (That's our set guest time & correct). But when logged in, it appears changing your timezone doesn't have any affect on the displayed time. Logged in members see time only in GMT, it doesn't matter what they set their timezone preference to.
Posts are still logged correctly in the database and so once we can get it to display correctly for individual users, it'll display correctly.

We've checked that timezones are correct with guest time/server time and used "{{date_time($xf.time)}}" to confirm that time was EDT when logged out. When logged in, time showed GMT.

Our Hardware/Tech helper mentions it is something to do with user preferences timezone not displaying time correctly and we don't know how to fix it. Let me know what else I may need to provide-

The problem only happened recently in the last 24 hours or so. Our latest update had been adding the Minesync addon to the site.

If you change your time zone here does it have the correct effect?

If so then it really can’t be an issue in the software itself.
Yes- looks like timezones work properly here. Hmn, I'm unsure what the source of the problem could be. Will have to keep looking
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