XF 2.1 2.1.4 to 2.1.7 Upgrade


My current XF version is 2.1.4, So How do I upgrade to the latest version properly. And Another question is how opten I should upgrade? Should I upgrade every updates Xf releases ?
Should I upgrade every updates Xf releases ?
That's what I do unless it's a major update that breaks addons.

You should be able to upgrade directly from the admin panel from 2.1.4 to 2.1.7. It's just bug fixes. If your forum has over 1 million posts, you might want to do the upgrade from the command line.
My site just started so nothing to break right now. But I need to learn to handle these things asap. So major updates do break plugins you say? I looking for most stable situation for my site and using just the default theme without any plugin.
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