XF 2.1 1.5 to 2.1 Upgrade Error - The Requested user could not be found


Well-known member
I have made a copy of my 1.5 files+database in a separate folder on my site, so I am running a copy of my forum there in a password protected directory.

I have uploaded all the 2.1 upgrade files, and then trying to run the /install/ there, asks me to login for the upgrade system. I enter my details, it refreshes and asks me again, and again. After a few tries, it goes to the next screen, talks about the existing config and it needs to migrate, it migrates successfully and then I click the button to start the upgrade. It starts working and then throws this error:

The requested user could not be found

I checked the src/config.php and looks ok. I tried deleting it and starting the process from the start, does the same thing.

edit: also worth saying I tried 3 different browsers, all the same problem.
After many attempts, some times the upgrade progresses 1 step or 2, only to throw the same error.

What can this be? Is it cookie related? How can I troubleshoot it?
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