Not a bug 1.3.4: status message is visible even if it was deleted in moderation queue


Well-known member
A user created a status message (created a message on his profile page) with a keyword that triggered the spam moderation queue.

In the moderation queue this message was deleted. The message on his profile page is deleted.

The same message is now public visible as his "status message" even for guests.
I can't reproduce this. The status message is never set to that post as soon as it ends up moderated. Please confirm this without any add-ons to ensure that's not related. If you can still reproduce it, please give an exact list of steps so I can attempt to reproduce it.
I see the users profile notice is from last year. I guess there was some bug with the moderation queue and profile fields.

I deleted his profile message maybe afterwards. The message is still his status message and visible everywhere. I tried the following but it did not work out, as his message is still there. Could you point me to the right location where the message is stored so I could delete it? Thank you so much!

mysql> delete from xf_user_status WHERE user_id = 1234;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from xf_user_status WHERE user_id = 1234;
Empty set (0.00 sec)
Thanks! ACP>Rebuild user data did not erase the deleted user status (maybe this is a bug?). I found it there, for the record this is the code to remove the status message:

mysql> UPDATE xf_user_profile SET status = "" WHERE user_id = 1234;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0
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