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[1.0.0 b1] How to identify the root template of a page

Jake Bunce

Well-known member
View the source code of any xF forum page. Look for the content div at the top of the body. The class of that div tells you the name of the root template for that page.

For example, on the main forum page you can see this content div in the source code:

<div id="content" class="forum_list">

The root template for the main forum page is forum_list.

Knowing the root template allows you to find all other templates used on the page. Just edit the root template in your:

Admin CP -> Appearance -> Templates

The editor shows all other templates that are included by the root template.

edit - note that the PAGE_CONTAINER template wraps all pages. That template contains the skeleton with the html, head, and body tags.
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