
  1. RG70Hz

    XF 1.2 SMTP Mail Server Not Working Properly

    I have a domain & domain email all set up. I have some questions I need help with for trouble shooting. Background info: I have a locally hosted website using my domain [my domain name]. It uses XenForo forum software and is routed through cloud flare. I have my email routing set up through...
  2. RG70Hz

    XF 1.2 How to edit logo size?

    I have a new logo image size that is greater than the default 199x72px size. I edited the style property to use my new logo. For some reason when I go to my site the logo still displays small and I cannot figure out how to change it. My images dimensions are far greater than 199x72px. When I go...
  3. ForumCube

    Complete Xenforo 2.x & 1.x Custom Services Expert Company | + 8 Years Experience

    Hello Everyone! We are ForumCube offering the services of Custom Add-on Development | Custom Styling | Xenforo Migration from different forum software| Technical Support & Consulting. We have versatile experience of eight years in the forum software field and yes we have got grey hairs in this...
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