
  1. N

    Implemented Whatsapp button for desktop version of xF2...

    Why the desktop version of xF2 does not show the whatsapp button like in the mobile version? Communities would find it useful to share the content directly via whatsapp desktop client...
  2. wmtech

    [WMTech] Social Share Privacy 1.1.7

    Please review this add-on, if you like it. This helps other people to decide and gives us a little smile back for the many hours used to create this professional add-on. Description: Social Share Privacy add-on enables your Xenforo web site to load the icons for social sharing web sites...
  3. wmtech

    [WMTech] Social Share Privacy

    wmtech submitted a new resource: [WMTech] Social Share Privacy - Load the icons for social sharing websites from your local server. Read more about this resource...
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