
  1. JordanH

    Unmaintained Basic Advertisement Pack 1.0

    This is a basic advertising pack that you may use and edit for your websites. The design set was created by @Rihtar. The set was being provided originally by Josh and Rihtar. As the original source is now gone, I (Jordan) Purchased rights to the set so I can share them with you for free. What...
  2. JordanH

    Unmaintained Basic Smiley Set 1.0

    This is a basic smiley set that you can use on any of your forums, websites, or blogs! The design set was created by @Rihtar. The set was being provided for free originally by Josh and Rihtar. As the original source is now gone, I (Jordan) Purchased rights to the set so I can share them with...
  3. JordanH

    Unmaintained RankUP Forum Ranks 1.1

    RankUp is a set of beautiful and elegant rank images set designed by KAMI as part of our exclusive KAMI Collection. The set includes the 6 images as seen above by default which include Banned Member Premium Member Moderator Global/Super Moderator Administrator The PSD file is also included...
  4. JordanH

    Unmaintained [PCN] Spotify BBCode 1.2.0

    Add a Spotify BB code to your forum. Allow your users to share media from Spotify. Like this: In quote: There are two ways a user can link to the Spotify song. 1) Using the BB code: Inside the Media tag will be the track number such as: 2) Link to the content itself...
  5. JordanH

    Unmaintained [PCN] Admin Notes 2.0.1

    WGBB Admin Notes 2.0 Have you ever wanted to leave notes for yourself or for your fellow Admin to fix a user's permissions? Maybe you need a reminder to get rid of that bug in your style or even just to share a humourous joke so you can chuckle your way through the world of the Admin Control...
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