social share

  1. RobinHood

    Encourage users to social share a thread after creating it

    Whenever you purchase an item on Amazon, on the purchase confirmation screen it encourages you to share your purchase on social media. I think it would be cool if after you create a new thread, the user gets presented with a well designed notice above the OP encouraging users to share this new...
  2. 1

    XF 1.4 Share buttons per post (how?)

    Hi there, I noticed the little permalink button, standing beside the "like" button in a post. When I click on it, I don't see a "Share this page" area where you have social media icons. First question: how do I enable the "share this page" area? Is it being removed of Xenforo? (PS...
  3. wmtech

    [WMTech] Social Share Privacy 1.1.7

    Please review this add-on, if you like it. This helps other people to decide and gives us a little smile back for the many hours used to create this professional add-on. Description: Social Share Privacy add-on enables your Xenforo web site to load the icons for social sharing web sites...
  4. wmtech

    [WMTech] Social Share Privacy

    wmtech submitted a new resource: [WMTech] Social Share Privacy - Load the icons for social sharing websites from your local server. Read more about this resource...
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