reported content

  1. G

    XF 1.5 Repport System

    Hello, The report system is really confusing. I get reports but there is no indication of who made the report or why. How can I rectify this? I need to know who made the report and why. Forcing a message with the report would be the best way. It also needs to say who made the report, it seems...
  2. jflory7

    Implemented Sending Report Resolution Alerts: Option to prevent sending alert to past reporters

    Hello, This suggestion comes from an issue I've noticed in many forums I use that use XenForo. Say a user profile or thread is reported, and a moderator marks that report as resolved. Later, in three months, a different user reports the same user / thread for a totally different reason, and a...
  3. KevinMK

    XF 1.4 Email Notification of reported post

    Can I get an email notification when a user reports a post for spam?
  4. Iversia

    Auto Hide Reported Posts by Iversia

    Iversia submitted a new resource: Auto Hide Reported Posts by Iversia - Send reported content into moderation queue if it has reached the report threshold. Read more about this resource...
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