register process

  1. GameNet

    Profile Completion Wizard after you registered a account

    Hi There is a feature that’s I would like to bring to XenForo from ips community suite is the registration profile wizard process. link: I am not a big fan of quick full registration page as its doesn't look very...
  2. El Porcharo

    XF 2.2 Enable registration unchecked doesn't completely prevent registrations with associated account

    Facebook use to periodically verify their developers applications compliance, so one of their staff members contacted me complaining that I had to provide a test user account, so they could verify my application work flow and compliance as it seemed that it wasn't being used properly by my app...
  3. Will Franco

    XF 2.1 How do I disable / remove the Register buttons...

    But still, enable users to register via a referral link? I'm stumped. Any ideas?
  4. Will Franco

    XF 2.1 Fields Not Showing on Registration Form

    Fields marked show, do not show in the registration process.
  5. Sam96

    XF 2.0 How can I access the value of Username for custom user field validation on registration page.

    I'm using the following method to validate the custom user field. However, for my situation, I need to access the Username that the user typed into the registration form to determine if the custom user field...
  6. Russ

    Implemented Registration Process Changes

    I've noticed a lot of discussion on the registration process but no specific suggestion (to an extent). I too am really fond of a simple way of signing up, while DOB is optional I think it should be taken a step further: Require user to check TOS: This would be nice if a user didn't have to...
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