
  1. I

    XF 2.2 New nodes will not appear in the forums list

    Hello. I have a very old forum that was migrated to XF 1.x and hanful of years ago and upgraded to XF 2.2.7 P1 in the recent past. When I create new nodes, they simply will not appear in the forums list despite checking the box to "Display in the node list." What am I missing? Tnx
  2. NandorHUN

    How to create an invite forum / private forum with forms or invitation?

    Hi Guys! I want to create a 2nd forum for a selected user group / or a private node. The thing is I know the selected group but Im not sure what's the best way to do it. First thing: should I create a 2nd forum and with Mulisite System sync the login data and give them extra permission? Or...
  3. L

    Can this bilingual forum be achieved with minimal customisation?

    Hello, I have narrowed down my forum software decision to xenforo and the multisite add-on is the helping to seal the deal. I want to know if the following can be achieved with minimal development as I don't want play with code too much and don't plan to spend much money. I am building a...
  4. XCentral

    XenCentral Multisite System 2 2.1.0 Release Candidate 3

    XenCentral Multisite System 2 is a fully-featured multisite solution for XenForo 2 that allows to create unlimited completely customized communities on a single XenForo installation. Product allows to customize almost any aspect of XenForo for unlimited domains and subdomains. Multisite System...
  5. Ryan Nielson


    I would really love to see multi-site support for Xenforo. I don't mind paying more for it, but I really would appreciate a built in option to support multiple sites from the same settings, users, plugins, etc. with easy navigation between the domains. Similar to WordPress multisite. There is a...
  6. XCentral

    XenCentral Multisite System 1.11.0

    XenCentral Multisite System allows to create unlimited completely customized sites on single XenForo installation. Product allows to customize almost any aspect of XenForo installation for unlimited domains and subdomains. XC Multisite System makes it possible to create a network of communities...
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