
  1. ESP_Pricing_Comparison


  2. Sachin Tiwari

    Integrate Pepipost with XENFORO Community and start sending emails

  3. trigatch4

    Add-on Advanced E-Mail Newsletter Add-On

    We're currently revisiting the E-Mails we send to members with a few goals: Send them through a 3rd party (completed with Mandrill) Make them look WAY better (with templates, MailChimp, etc) Make them more dynamic (with variables based on user's XF preferences) Different newsletters they can...
  4. nrep

    Intergration with off-site e-mail services (Mandrill, Amazon SES, etc...)

    For larger forums, sending e-mail via Mandrill, Amazon SES and other e-mail services can be very useful. It offloads work from the server and provides a more reliable method of mail delivery (as it is sent from managed, trusted IPs). These services also provide excellent bounce handling, which...
  5. Cyb3r

    XF 1.5 Inquiries about amazon SES

    Hey guys, I registered with Amazon a while ago but I never used their service, currently i'm using mandrill but it has a monthly usage limit, anyway I thought of moving to amazon SES as it's way cheaper and convenient, now I have some question that I would like to know before making the move...
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