
  1. AjayJunkies

    How often do you offer contests?

    As a community leader, wanting to give back to your community is a great idea to say thank you to your community for their support. A great way to give back to your community is to offer contests in which your community can be involved. Do you offer contests within your community? How often...
  2. Old Nick

    AMS : Article Management System - FRENCH translation [Deleted]

    nicodak submitted a new resource: AMS : Article Management System - FRENCH translation - A french translation of the AMS : Article Management System from Bob Read more about this resource...
  3. Will Franco

    Backup and rollback functions

    Mistakes happen. If I delete a node by accident? How do I recover the node? I'm non-technical. If you can point me in the right direction, eg. do I ask a server admin, XF admin, or XF addon developer?
  4. Will Franco

    XF/Hosting Configurations

    How do you manage your XF community? Hosting, security measures, backup protocols, etc.. Current Setup 2,500 active users. Paid community. EC2 Instance, 2 vCPU 4GB RAM AWS Elasticsearch, 1 vCPU, 2GB RAM Cloudflare Security 2FA Administrators .htpassword file to password-protect admin.php...
  5. CMTV

    XF 2.0 Job management

    Where can I find all running jobs (jobs that extends AbstractJob). How to correctly stop jobs that are already running? Where can I see messages sent using getStatusMessage() method? Maybe some console commands? Something like php cmd.php xf-showjobs...?
  6. Aayush

    What is your #1 problem running a forum?

    We all face problems running forums and maintaining them. Getting active users or what people call the sticky users! This is the number #1 problem I face running a forum. What is your #1 problem running a forum that you wish never existed?
  7. B

    SEO quality strategy for my xf board

    hi, i would like to share with you my new seo strategy for my xenforo forum It's an 11 years old board (it was a phpbb2 before i move to xenforo 2 years ago) i have around 15 000 pages indexed in Google i decide yesterday to make a very big move in my forum management (good or bad i will see)...
  8. Aayush Agrawal

    Unmaintained [Aayush] Advanced Addon Management 1.0

    DESCRIPTION A product area to manage all templates/phrases/events/options for any addon.
  9. Freelancer

    Add-on Project Management add-on

    When you use a forum for an association, club, corp or non-profit, it is intended to bring together various members to be able to communicate over the development of internal projects. It would be a great feature to have an add-on that is able to manage projects graphically and assign project...
  10. MattW - Server Configuration / Hosting / Support

    I've not really put anything on here to advertise myself before, as people have just been contacting me to request work be done. Here is what I'm available to do. Server Management Services Server Configuration (CentOS / Cpanel) Apache setup Nginxcp setup Switch MySQL to Percona / MariaDB...
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