login attempts

  1. K

    Extending Login Attempts

    At the moment there are options for what to do with the exceeded number of authorizations or two-factor authorization. But at the same time there are no settings for this. If we expand all this, then we will encounter a violation of the standards: But why not set up an array with a minimum...
  2. Lyphiard

    Unmaintained LoginSecurity 1.2.1

    This addon will provide the ability for you to record all login attempts for all users, as well as for administrators. The addon will record information such as the IP address the attempt was made from, the time of the attempt, whether the attempt was successful or not, whether 2FA was required...
  3. Alpha1

    Alert Admin in case of unusual high login attempts

    If an attacker tries to login to many accounts, then the admin should be made aware of this. This allows the admin to take countermeasures and reevaluate security. Please consider to add a function to notify the admin of such event. It can be in the form of an email or an on-site alert or...
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