
  1. Starbucks

    Gsmarthub | Inclusive Community

    Hi there, I would like to share the custom design of my forum! This is the simplified forum overview. Instead of an overwhelming list of nodes, the categories are divided into a grid. When a user clicks on a category, a modal will open up with the nodes inside that block...
  2. Amin Sabet

    XF 2.0 New Thread button on every page including Page nodes and Thread View?

    Can anyone help me with a template edit to put the new thread button on every page including Page nodes and Thread View? I followed this tutorial to make a front page for my site at I'd like to have a Post Thread button on the front page as well as in the...
  3. H

    Unmaintained Global Template Variable

    This is a simple example about how to create variables that can be accessed in all templates. This code uses "template_create" listener. On this code, 2 variables are created, which are "$is_handsome", and "$is_fat". Both variables are set directly within...
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