
  1. Mr. Jinx

    Duplicate Filter frontend and backend phrases (translations)

    I know this suggestion is no fun, but it would help making better translations for XF. Currently there is no way to filter phrases that are used by the frontend and/or ACP. Most times, when translating, your goal is to translate 100% of the phrases used by the frontend. The ACP is less...
  2. XxUnkn0wnxX

    Front End cache errors with Memcached

    Hi, i recently installed and configured Memcached, this was my current config for frontend caching: $config['cache']['enabled'] = true; $config['cache']['frontend'] = 'Core'; $config['cache']['frontendOptions'] = array( 'caching' =>...
  3. H

    XF 1.5 mixed up user-selected language in frontend

    we have an issue lately with posts and user-selected languages. Very rarely post-links (edit/delete/report/quote) have a different language then users default (or forum-default). This doesn't affect the whole page, just one post per page (at least we havn't spotted more so far). Screen: users...
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