
  1. Will Franco

    XF 2.2 Activity Summary Email [Logic]

    Does the activity summary email include all-forums/nodes or only the ones the user has access to view? If only the ones the user has access to is there a way to send an activity summary to active users vanilla or with an addon that follows the same logic?
  2. X

    Aggregating Forums 2.9.0

    Allows viewing threads from sub-forums in the parent forum. Admin's Opt-in a forum (by default or make it available), and users can then opt-out depending on if they have the permission. New Thread in the parent forum prompts the user to post in a child forum (if they are allowed) even if...
  3. Sim

    What's New Digest 5.0.6

    This XenForo 2.x addon sends daily, weekly or emails to users with a list of top new threads and top updated threads. Important changes for v5.0: the default option is now to honour the "Receive new and update emails" option in user preferences. You will need to turn this off in the settings...
  4. X

    Unmaintained Aggregating Forums 1.2.2

    Allows viewing threads from sub-forums in the parent forum. Admin's Opt-in a forum (by default or make it available), and users can then opt-out depending on if they have the permission. New Thread in the parent forum prompts the user to post in a child forum (if they are allowed) even if...
  5. Apodictive

    Show all child forum threads in parent forum?

    I want to have all threads created in the child forums be shown in the parent forum below the below the child forum nodes. Basically an aggregate of all child forums showing in their parent forum. If it is possible (but not required), I don't want people posting in the actual parent forum...
  6. Stuart Wright

    Solve problem of overly complex forum structure and users not finding the right forum

    The reasons for creating a new subforum are 1) it is needed because the parent forum is being swamped with threads on a specific topic 2) Having a forum for a particular topic can attract traffic. Both those people visiting the forum and from search engines. We've ended up with hundreds at...
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