
  1. SyTry

    [SC] BB Code YouTube 1.0.0

    Description : This add-on allow you to add the BB Code [YTID] on your forum, to display a YouTube channel in your posts/threads. Feature summary : Style properties : Layout : Full Default Theme : Dark Light Count : Default Hidden Branding : This add-on does not include branding...
  2. S

    XF 1.5 How to integrate XF in your current Codeigniter website

    Hello, I have a website in Codeigniter v3.0.0 and I want to integrate XF v1.5 in my CodeIgniter website. Things I want to do are 1. I want to use a single login and signup page for both my website and XF. 2. I want to use custom header and footer on XF pages. Is there a way so I can easily...
  3. kropo82

    What text is interpreted in the QUOTE string?

    I am on a forum powered by xenForo. One of the BB tags we can use in posts is [CODE]
  4. v8td

    Custom BB Code

    Hi! Where i can define the new class and function for PHP Callback? Please explain me this help line: "This callback will receive these parameters: array $tag, array $rendererStates, XenForo_BbCode_Formatter_Base $formatter." - $tag = is the tag of the custom bb code? ... So i can define a...
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