
  1. X

    Username auto-complete using XFES 1.5.0

    Requires XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) and Search Improvements v2.5.3+ to actually do anything! Replace the stock MySQL-powered username autocomplete with Elasticsearch powered version. Supports partial matching, non-prefix search. Autocomplete is tuned for usernames over text phrases compared...
  2. X

    Tag auto-complete using XFES 1.2.3

    Requires XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) and Search Improvements v2.5.3+ to actually do anything! Replace the stock MySQL-powered tag autocomplete with Elasticsearch powered version. Supports partial matching, non-prefix search. Autocomplete is tuned for tags over text phrases compared to...
  3. DrCustUmz

    Unmaintained [DRC] Nav Search No Auto 1.0.0

    One thing that bothers me when browsing xF sites is when I click search autocomplete takes over the whole search dropdown. I personally have a tendency to check titles only or switch to resources before I begin typing and having that autocomplete form is just in the way. This product simply...
  4. Kruzya

    Disable autocomplete for TFA verification code input

    Currently on form with entering code, browser tries suggests previously used codes: I suggest add autocomplete="off" for disabling this noisy feature, because probability of falling out previously received and already entered code extremely small.
  5. Thomas.B

    Unmaintained Autocomplete Location 1.0.1

    This add-ons makes it very easy for your members to state their location (city, state or country). Often the right location is already shown on the autocomplete list after the user entered only 3 to 4 letters. If a user enters the name of a city, the autocomplete list adds the corresponding...
  6. R

    How can I add a custom autocomplete list to redactor?

    Hello, I would like to add a custom autocomplete list to redactor. Currently there are two autocomplete lists in action. If you type @ followed by some characters a list of user suggestions appears If you type # followed by some characters a list of tag suggestions appears Now I would like to...
  7. Thomas.B

    Free Premium Access to „Geonames Webservice“ until 25 January 2017

    This is a special offer for all users of my Autocomplete Location and Autocomplete Location Lite add-ons: Free premium access until 25 January 2017. Note: For small forums there is also a permanently free plan!
  8. Thomas.B

    Unmaintained Autocomplete Location Lite 1.0.0

    This add-ons makes it super easy for your members to state their location (city, state or country). Often the right location is already shown on the autocomplete list after the user entered only 3 to 4 letters. The webservice that this add-on uses to search locations has access to almost 3...
  9. Mr Lucky

    XF 1.5 Autocomplete for mentions not always working

    I notice when tagging a member, often the autocomplete is available, however for some users there is no autocomplete. These are ot banned members. Can anyone explain what might be going on please?
  10. ForestForTrees

    Extend autocomplete for tags

    Currently, when you are adding tags, autocomplete doesn't include many tags that might be useful to the user. For example, if you have a tag called "migraines and headaches," it won't appear if the user starts typing headaches. Apparently, it only looks for exact, from-the-start, matches. When...
  11. ForestForTrees

    Lack of interest Make tag autocomplete more complete

    Currently, when you are adding tags, autocomplete doesn't include many tags that might be useful to the user. For example, if you have a tag called "migraines and headaches," it won't appear if the user starts typing headaches. Apparently, it only looks for exact, from-the-start, matches. When...
  12. Alpha1

    Duplicate Search Autocomplete (live search)

    Please add an auto-completion function to XFES. Nowadays most sites have Live Search. Quick and Dirty Autocomplete with Elasticsearch Completion Suggest
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